Guidelines on Creating Your Title Tags
1. Make sure your three or four most important keywords or keyword phrases appear in the title tag.
2. Leave your branding and sales pitch for another part of the web page.
3. Place your geographical or niche-defining term in your title tag.
4. The title tag can be longer than you think.
5. Vary the title tags on the inner pages of your website.
Guidelines on Creating Your Keyword Tags
1. Try not to use an individual word more than three times. You shouldn't use any form of it more than three times, either. For example: "childrens" and "children's" would be considered the same word by some engines because some engines go to the root of the word. It would be prudent to pick one of these words and stick with it on a particular page, then if you must account for the other word, use it on another page.
2. Use keyword phrases to the best of your ability.
3. Try to limit your character count to 1,000.
4. Use the most important keywords or keyword phrases first.
5. Should you separate your keywords with commas? There is evidence that if you use commas you are limiting your phrases to those within the commas. If you choose not to use commas, then you might open your page to more keyword phrases. For instance, if your tag is "educational toys wooden boats" you might get ranked for "educational wooden boats" but if the tag reads "educational toys, wooden boats" you'd have less of a chance to get ranked for "educational wooden boats" because the comma separates the words. Even wordpress blogs seo plugins do this.
Guidelines on Creating Your Description
You can use your description as part of your first paragraph or even as part of your opening headline. Your description contains your important key phrase and key words. If you place it in the opening paragraph or somewhere on your page, then the search engine optimization value of the description is doubled or even tripled. A big mistake in search engine optimization is to use meta tags, but then have no descriptive text on the page, relying on images to convey the message. Use the description tag to begin your text, and add some more to amplify it and expand on what you have written.
FACT: Its a big mistake on many websites is to use the same meta tags on all the pages. Each of your pages is different. Each page has or should have a special item of importance. Look at your pages and think of the special part that the page plays in your overall marketing effort, and make a unique description tag. As with the description tag for your main page, put this description within the text of the page itself.
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